
TMG (Trimethylglycine)

Also known as betaine, trimethylglycine is one of the main methylating agents and osmoregulators in our body.

What is trimethylglycine?

As the name suggests, trimethylglycine (TMG) is a molecule that structurally represents the amino acid glycine with three methyl groups

Thigh extension

Thigh extension is an isolated simple exercise that trains the hip extensors on the knees. It is performed on specialized machines. The brand is irrelevant here. Its implementation does not require prior experience, but only instruction to set up the

Aerobic training

Зачем и кому нужны аэробные тренировки? - Фитнес, фитнес клубы Москвы,

Aerobic training( training, exercises), aerobics, cardio-this is any type of physical activity that involves a lot of muscles and consumes a large amount of oxygen. Aerobic exercises are performed with low and medium intensity, and they are also characterized …

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