4 bodybuilding myths you probably believe


5 Bodybuilding Myths Busted · Healthkart Blog

While robust bodybuilders in your gym say so, this may not necessarily be the case. We know many myths about exercise, but the following four are so widespread that they are often not considered a myth even among experienced practitioners.

1. Multi-joint exercises must be preceded by isolation

You have the most energy at the beginning of your workout, so you should practice hard, multi-joint exercises first. This is not entirely true. Beginners will benefit greatly if they devote their energy to this exercise, but for advanced and experienced exercisers it is a different story. The team will benefit if they alternate. If they start training with an isolated exercise, they will more effectively develop the connection between the mind and the muscles, get into the pace, warm up and pre-exhaust their target muscles, and then multi-joint exercises will be even more effective in terms of building muscle mass.

2. Free weights are better at building muscle than machines

Many people also believe that a more effective way to gain muscle is by exercising with free weights, such as a large two-handed barbell or one-handed barbell. However, this approach is outdated. Your goal should be to stimulate your target muscles as best you can. And training on machines will help you a lot, which will make it easier for you to train the target group and keep it under tension for longer. Imagine single-arm mounting and lower pulley mounting. During which exercise will you feel more burning and muscle contraction?

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3. The pressures on the sloping bench are best for the top of the chest

Slope bench pressures are a good exercise, but if you want to effectively improve your upper pectoral muscles, they are not the best choice for you, as many people think, because they do not optimally load a key part of a large pectoral muscle. Better alternatives are stretching on the lower log and squeezing the disc with the discharge on the inclined bench *. Then you will feel the target part better. You can add these two exercises to the pressures on a sloping bench, but with the use of one-handed arms.

4. Your calves will never grow properly

It is true that genetics play an important role in the development of calves, but it is not true that you cannot develop them. It just depends on how honestly and hard you are prepared to train them. You have two options – to argue that they are stubborn, or to give them the necessary care, under which we do not imagine six flabby series of protrusions once a week after thigh training. The calves should be trained 2- to 3 times a week in 6-9 series in the range of 10-25 repetitions with slow controlled movement and an effort to feel the contraction.

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4 bodybuilding myths you probably believe
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