The order of performing exercises

Базовая программа тренировок на массу — как быстро накачаться?


The placement of exercises in a training session is determined by two factors::

  1. General scheme type (sequential, alternating, circular). The general scheme is the order in which each exercise or set is performed in a workout.
  2. The order of exercises for each scheme.

10 правил набора мышечной массы - Статьи в интернет-магазине КультЛаб в Новосибирске

Consistent execution of approac

This is a “normal” pattern, where you complete all sets of one exercise and then move on to the next. For example:

A. Bench press 4 x 10, then rest 90 seconds
B. T-bar deadlift 4 x 10, then rest 90 seconds

First, you do all sets of bench presses (resting for 90 seconds between sets), then you start deadlifts.


This scheme, proposed by trainer Charles Poliquin, allows you to save time by reducing rest pauses between sets, but without sacrificing intensity. You alternate approaches in two exercises for different muscle groups (preferably antagonists). For example:

A1. Bench press 4 x 10, then rest 45 seconds
A2. T-bar deadlift 4 x 10, then rest for 45 seconds

In this case, you do a set of exercise A1 (bench press), rest for 45 seconds, do a set of exercise A2 (T-bar deadlift), rest for 45 seconds, return to the bench press and repeat the sequence until you have completed all the indicated sets. The break between sets of bench presses is about 90 seconds, as with consecutive exercises, but the total time for performing both exercises is reduced.

Circular diagram

You do three or more sets of exercises in a row, then repeat this round again as many times as planned. For example:

A1. Dumbbell bench press 12 reps, 30 seconds rest
A2. Dumbbell squats 12 reps, 30 seconds rest
A3. Sitting block deadlift 12 reps, 30 seconds rest
A4. Romanian dumbbell deadlift 12 reps, 30 seconds rest
A5. Scott Bench Flexion 12 reps, 30 seconds rest

It is not necessary to perform all the exercises in training in this way, but you can do, for example, four exercises and two exercises in a circular mode according to the usual scheme or alternating.

Circuit training is more suitable for recomposing / burning fat, when you reduce the rest pauses to a minimum, for example, to 10 seconds. But they can also be used for strength training, if you increase the breaks between exercises to 2-3 minutes, which allows you to do many sets in less time than with a sequential or alternating scheme, while the rest between sets of one exercise will be much longer.

The order of exercises

After choosing the scheme of performing approaches in training, you need to correctly arrange the exercises. First of all, read: Choosing exercises in bodybuilding

Remember the main thing: first you need to do exercises that load the central nervous system more, then less intense ones. For example, squats should be included in the program before leg extensions. There may be exceptions to this rule if you need to pre-tire the lagging muscle by loading it with an isolation movement before a complex one.

So choose exercises for the muscle group you are working on and arrange them in order of decreasing difficulty. For example, you took the following exercises to train your chest:

  • Crossovers on ad blocks
  • Barbell bench press
  • Dumbbell bench press with your head tilted up

The correct placement will be as follows:

  1. Bench press
  2. Dumbbell bench press with your head tilted up
  3. Crossovers on ad blocks

Simple rule: first, do an exercise from the main group, then an additional one, then an auxiliary one, then a corrective one. If you have two exercises in the program from the same group (for example, two main or two additional ones), first do the one in which the weight is lifted more.

But also the order of exercise execution is affected by the scheme of approaches (sequential, alternating, circular).

If you consistently do all the exercises for one muscle group, then move on to another group, your workout will look like this:

  1. The main exercise for the pectoral muscles
  2. Additional exercise for the pectoral muscles
  3. Auxiliary exercise for the pectoral muscles
  4. The main exercise for triceps
  5. Additional Triceps exercise
  6. Auxiliary exercise for triceps

Тренировки для набора мышечной массы

This can be done if you train one large muscle group (chest, back, quadriceps) and one or two small ones. If you are working two large muscle groups (for example, chest and back), this is not the best option, since the central nervous system will be exhausted by the time you finish with the first muscle group and start with the second.

If you are working out two or more large muscle groups or the entire body, it is better to arrange the exercises according to the load. First, collect exercises by category (main, additional, etc.), then arrange them so that the big muscles are worked out first. For example, you have chosen the following exercises to train your whole body:

  • Bench press
  • Standing press
  • Pull-ups with a grip to yourself
  • Squats with a barbell on the chest
  • Romanian Deadlift
  • Arm flexion with barbell

All of them are from the category of main exercises, so it remains only to arrange them according to the size of the working muscles.:

  1. Squats with a barbell on the chest
  2. Romanian Deadlift
  3. Pull-ups with a grip to yourself
  4. Bench press
  5. Standing press
  6. Arm flexion with barbell

If you have already taken additional exercises, then follow the same rule: first, divide the exercises into categories, then place them in each category depending on the size of the muscle being worked out. For example, you chose the following exercises:

  • Bench press (main exercises)
  • Leg press in the simulator (optional))
  • Barbell pull in tilt (main)
  • Sitting Dumbbell press (optional))
  • Wide-grip deadlift (main)
  • Hammer arm bends with dumbbells (optional)

First, you collect them by category.


  • Wide-grip deadlift
  • Bench press
  • Barbell pull in an incline

Additional features:

  • Leg press in the simulator
  • Sitting dumbbell press
  • Hammer arm curls with dumbbells

Then place them in categories based on the size of the muscle group:

  1. Wide-grip deadlift (main)
  2. Barbell pull in tilt (main)
  3. Bench press (main exercises)
  4. Leg press in the simulator (optional))
  5. Sitting Dumbbell press (optional))
  6. Hammer arm bends with dumbbells (optional)

If you use an alternating pattern that works best for antagonistic muscles, first divide the exercises into muscle groups, for example, in training, you work out the chest and back with the following exercises::

Chest muscles:

  • Wiring dumbbells lying on an inclined bench with your head down
  • Bench press while lying on an inclined bench with your head down
  • Dumbbell press while lying on an inclined bench with your head up

Back muscles:

  • Upper block pull to the chest
  • Barbell pull in an incline
  • Lifting dumbbells to the sides in a tilt with support

Correct execution order for each muscle group:

Pectoral muscles:

  1. Bench press while lying on an inclined bench with your head down
  2. Dumbbell press while lying on an inclined bench with your head up
  3. Wiring dumbbells lying on an inclined bench with your head down

Back muscles:

  1. Barbell pull in an incline
  2. Upper block pull to the chest
  3. Lifting dumbbells to the sides in a tilt with support

Since the training is conducted according to an alternating pattern, the general order of exercises will be as follows::

First pair:

A1. Bench press while lying on an inclined bench with your head down
A2. Barbell pull in an incline

Second pair:

B1. Bench press dumbbells lying on an inclined bench with your head up
B2. Upper block pull to the chest

Third pair:

B1. Placing dumbbells lying on an inclined bench with your head down
B2. Lifting dumbbells to the sides in a tilt with support

Finally, if you train in a circular pattern, you have several options for arranging exercises depending on the chosen goal.

If your circuit training sessions are dedicated to gaining mass or developing strength (relatively long breaks between sets), you do the same as with a sequential exercise pattern: first group the exercises into categories, then arrange the order within the group.

In circuit training with lactic acid production for fat burning, when you go from exercise to exercise almost without a break, the metabolic system works more than the nervous system, so the arrangement of exercises becomes less important.

However, it is still better to arrange the exercises in such a way that they do not overlap, preventing you from working with full efficiency. For example, if you start a workout with a dumbbell press sitting, then putting a variation of the bench press after it is not the best idea, since the same muscles will be heavily involved.

The order of performing exercises
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