The secrets of the trapezoid

The secrets of the trapezoid

The trapezius is the most neglected muscle group – not because it is not trained, but because it is difficult to isolate and load. The trapezius is the muscle group that is the most difficult to load. Figuratively speaking, it is surrounded by a fortress of other muscle groups, such as the broad back muscle, the shoulders, and even distant muscles such as the biceps, triceps and forearm.

Therefore, in order for the tremor to be loaded, the exercise and the load must pass through one or several of the listed groups and the load decreases accordingly. This means that your trapeze must be trained fully and in all dimensions, not only by lifting the shoulders, but also by very heavy exercises. Here are some exercises that can achieve this effect.

Dead Lift

You can’t have a good trapeze without this exercise. Deadlift will give you the best result for a large and dense trapezoid. This exercise is ideal for the trapeze because it combines all the necessary conditions for loading this muscle, namely enormous weight, full range of motion and intense load in all directions. When you start lifting, you are bent forward, which pulls the trapezoid forward and loads it fully, then as the gradual straightening, the load descends from the top to the bottom of the trapeze. You can’t dream anymore, so always do traction.

Barbell Row

As well as remaining the greatest classic in back training, this exercise will make your trapeze “swell” as if it were giving birth to twins! In some ways, exercise is even better than lifting your shoulders. Do not bend just below 90 degrees, keep your body slightly upright to put even more strain on the lower part of the trapeze. And besides, the deeper you pull the lever, the more you load the lower part of the trapeze.

Rowing with T-lever

T-barbell rowing is one of the main exercises for increasing muscle mass in the back. Similar to barbell rowing, with the difference that the weight describes an arc in front and the initial stress is on the bottom of the trapezoid, and then extends to the outside.

If you are striving to achieve a big and full back, this exercise must be present in your workout. Rowing with a T-bar is not recommended for people who have back injuries. Recommended for intermediate and advanced bodybuilders.

Rowing on the lower pulley

When you row so that the lower reel is below the level of your feet, and you pull the lever as low as possible to the abdomen, your trapeze rotates up and out, which gives density to the lower and middle part of the trapeze.

Rowing on a lower pulley is an exercise not only for the back, but also for the trapeze. If you want to have a big trapeze – this is one of the exercises you need to do. This exercise is difficult to train with heavy robot weight. I recommend that you do this at the end of your workout.


It may seem strange, but it is thanks to this movement that weightlifters have a huge trapeze. And more precisely the first part, when we lift the barbell on the chest. The exercise puts a full load on the trapeze, and the explosiveness of the lift gives an additional effect.

Learn more about the services

Most people have lagging muscle groups that need more attention in order to build a beautiful and symmetrical body, so you need a specially designed training program, which is:

  • Created for your goals and capabilities
  • According to your training level
  • Tailored to your lifestyle
  • Tailored to diseases if you have any
  • Communication and monitoring of results within 30 days

You should know that there is no universal way of training that can give equally good results for different people. Everyone has different genetic predispositions that determine the development of his body. Therefore, you need an individual training program tailored to your lifestyle, your goals, your training experience and the free time you have. We can prepare a training program especially for you. For more information, write us a personal message in the contact form, e-mail [email protected] or click on the photo.

What will you get?

  • Description of the training program – what and how to train. Technique of performing each exercise.
  • Link to each exercise, how it is performed, how many sets and repetitions.
  • Rest time between sets and individual exercises.
  • Emphasis on certain muscle groups if necessary.
  • Different training methods.
  • Communication and monitoring of results within 30 days

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The secrets of the trapezoid
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